Holy crap I am so tired…and the stressful bit has only just started. Now we get all the tech support queries, and the stress about whether or not people like it, and the ARGHHHHH. And that comes after me and Jeff were both up scarily late panicking about the weirdest bug imaginable before we finally found it and uploaded the final builds at about 1AM, only for me to discover installer issues and other silliness that meant re-uploading it all again in a panic this morning. ARGHHHH.
But now…Democracy 3 africa is on sale. YAY!

You can get it from the humble store, by humble widget or from steam. GoG will come tomorrow. Its PC/OSX, and its in English French and German. If you have Democracy 3 already, and any of the DLC, that DLC will magically (crosses fingers) work with Democracy 3:Africa. You don’t need to buy it again. D3:Africa is an EXPANDALONE! Meaning you do not need D3 to play it, or buy it.
Sheesh. I leave you with quill18s first lets play of the game. There are many many more out there, and there are people streaming it on twitch and arghhh… must keep an eye on all the unbelievably immature and racist posts on the steam forums… ho hum.
To everyone who buys the game, thanks we really appreciate it. I’d love other developers to realize you can set a game in Africa and people WILL buy it.