Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Centurion Cruiser Model. REAL model.

I haven’t decided the nature of the competition or task required to win this yet… But it arrived today and I wanted to blog some pictures of it immediately.

Behold a proper 3D plastic model (made using l33t 3d printing tech) of The Imperial Centurion Cruiser from Gratuitous Space Battles

If I do give this one away, I’ll need another one for my desk :D

13 thoughts on Centurion Cruiser Model. REAL model.

  1. Fantastic! Do you have the a link for the company that does this (3D printing). I’ve got so many 3D models that I want to do =)

  2. now you need to develop a set of miniature wargaming rules to go with it then make the rest of the games ships, This is epic

  3. What Karl said. I wants one to paint and put on my desk and love and to hold and I’ll name him George.

  4. hope more of these can be released in the future.

    btw yr google ad on Democracy 2 is now on the frontpages of iaindale blog

  5. The model is way cool!! Did you pull it straight out of the game as is or did it takes some mods to make it print? For everyone else in case you missed it you can find the model here.

    BTW Cliff the game looks way better than when I demo’ed it a few years back. One question does purchase give you unlimited updates?

  6. Yes, the patches for the game are ready-installed on a newly bought copy and all non-expansion pack updates are free.

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