Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Playing catch-up

So much has been going on. I did a podcast interview thing as part of this:

Then there was another interview here:

Then i joined a tech podcast thing here:

And there’s another interview today hopefully, plus some stuff for a UK newspaper, hopefully Saturdays Guardian. I also have been bugfixing in Democracy 2, some pesky bugs I can’t believe I missed. Plus I’m trying out a new payment provider right now. All this, and I saw the stage version of Mort last night. Eeek.

I have got SOME work done on Kudos 2, and hope to get a lot more done today and maybe the weekend.

3 thoughts on Playing catch-up

  1. I responded to your call for comments, but another good example has come out today. The CEO of id has claimed that PC makers secretly enjoy the benefit of people getting ‘free content’. Of course it’s a lot longer than that.

    Because, you know, PCs have no use besides piracy. We’re criminals because we prefer PC games to console games for one reason or another (screw them, I have a modded 360).

    But it’s just another reason to shoot another ‘thanks’ your way. I still disagree with some of your statements in regards to copyright and whatnot, but I very much appreciate you taking the time to try and grok the reasons behind piracy rather than making up inane and insulting claims about… well, ALL of the people you’re trying to sell to.

  2. You seller demands my phone number before i am to be allowed the privilage of attempting to purchase one of your games.

    Plus, why is shipping £5.

    The industry is so backward.

  3. hi, is that BMT or fastspring? shipping should be irrelevant, all they will do is burn the file you download to a CD and send it to you, just burn the file yourself for nothing.

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