Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Production line video blog & political Animals update

logo550Committing yourself to weekly blog update videos on the status of the game sure does make you feel bad if you don’t get much stuff done! So in that spirit here is a short video with me trying to spin a new GUI screen and a line of text on another screen into a weeks work:

I’m getting even more efficient at making those, almost like its own production line…


On other topic, Political Animals is getting updated today and tomorrow (depending if you are holding a steam or GoG/Humble copy), and the official list of changes from the bunch of cute animals in charge of the game are as follows:

Bug fixes
– Fixed crash on finish of North Island
– Fixed localization related bugs
– Pause after election such that players can take screenshots
– Settings are now saved (your language and sound/volume setting will be saved until you change them)

If you aren’t familiar with political animals, and like the idea of re-running a recent election campaign to get a result you prefer, you can grab political animals from here, and its worth noting there have been quite a lot of youtube lets play videos.