Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Update on shadowhand! potions!

Shadowhand continues to make awesome progress. We are close to releasing the games steam page for ‘coming soon’ and wishlist adds, which is a bit of a milestone. The trailer is nearly done and the launch is in sight. If you haven’t heard me talk about it before, shadowhand is a game developed by Grey Alien Games and published by me! Its an interesting card-game/rpg/story based game that has no real direct comparison. Its very polished and very addictive. Here is Jake talking about the latest developments in the game:

Its hard to know how best to describe the game, I would say ‘darkest dungeon meets solitaire with steroids on’.  I like it (and think its a good bet to publish) precisely because its no hard to describe, and thus is likely an experienced most gamers have not had. Its going to be really interesting to see what people think of it.

Both me and Jake will be at GDC next week. if you are a youtuber or twitch streamer and want a demo, just leave a comment or email me at cliff AT positech dot co dot uk. Also obviously we are always keen to talk to bloggers and journalists about Shadowhand and Production Line. Plus we are British, so you can offload all your political angst on us while we nod sagely and understand :D.

Hopefully new Production Line patch tonight or tomorrow morning…