Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Fun website facts

I love google analytics. You get stats for EVERYTHING.

  • Visitors to my site using firefox spend 7.95% less (estimated from buy page views) than visitors using internet explorer.
  • last week I got more visits from china than I did from France
  • Canadians like Democracy more than any other game. Brazilians prefer Kudos
  • I actually get more visits from firefox browsers than IE
  • Only 2% of the visits are from dialup users
  • The top 5 countries supplying visitors are US,UK,Canada,Germany and Poland

9 thoughts on Fun website facts

  1. There are some pretty amazing ways that the FF vs. IE statistic could be twisted and misinterpreted:

    -IE users take almost 8% longer time to read pages.
    -IE users spend 8% longer rendering pages.
    -FF users have 8% shorter attention span than IE users.
    -FF users are 8% less likely to buy your product online.

    The last one is an awesome stretch, but if you can get people to believe it there’d be hellfire on the internet for a day. Pick whichever one you want and spread the word, let’s get some browser wars started!

  2. I love stats.

    Unfortunately I can’t use google analytics on my blog, but wordpress gives me lots of nice numbers.

    That countries statistic is interesting, I mean you would expect UK, US, Germany, but Poland?

  3. hehe grats Cliffski.

    My stats were very weird when I started out ages ago. According to them, 85% of my traffic for my OpenGL material was coming from the US military…


  4. Hey Cliff,

    Great Stats – Its nice to know you’ve “Gone Global” as they say!

    Quick comment on the dial up users – If so few of your customers are dial up users does this mean you will be increasing the size of the games as BB users can down load them quicker?

    Could this really have an impact on the quality / size / rendering / scrolling of your graphics and also allow you add more features / missions etc?

    Mind you – Watch out for Google – I just don’t trust ’em !!

  5. Hey, Roman, I did not know that you are also visiting cliffskis’ blog, as I do. :D

    Greets to you all from Lodz, Poland

  6. heh, I am also from Poland, and waiting to buy Gratuitus Space Battles ASAP… Cheers all!

  7. Great post, I went and installed GA on my web design freelance site a day or two after first reading it. Should have done that before I signed up for adwords to see if there was any impact, but I never said I was smart…

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