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Modding Core Game Mechanics

As well as adding new data to the game in the form of events, policies and dilemmas, you can also (should you wish to) fiddle with the core mechanics of the game. It goes without saying that doing so will likely unbalance the game, and you can get into a mess doing it. We really recommend backing up ANY data before the fiddle with it :D.

Pretty much all the variables you might want to fiddle with can be found inside data/data.ini which is just text. There are comments above each line in this file that tell you what each value does. Feel free to experiment!

Another thing you might like to play with is 'manifesto.csv'. It list all the options you have to make election promises. You can edit them all you want, but be aware that the games GUI will not adjust automatically to suit different numbers of choices as well as you might like, so you can't just add another 20!

Changing the Countries

the data behind each country is also easily fiddled with. They are also text files, inside data\missions. The data is as follows:
population - total population you want to simulate.
debt, debtceiling - starting debt and point at which you get thrown from government for having too much debt.
wealth - number by which all normal costs are multiplied (and incomes) to give higher or lower data.
flag,thumb = which image file is used as a backdrop. Also which smaller file is used on choose country screen
name - name of country set as the default.
economic_cycle_start - determines where in the cycle the economy starts off. it cycles over a sine wave.
description,briefing - used in choose country screen and initial start game briefing screen.
currency - only supports dollar yen euro and pound ;(.
termlength - default in years.
partyname,oppname - default names of political parties.
[settings] - list of initial values that are set for all kinds of data. note this is the initial default value for them, not the final values which may have additional influences and feedback loops.

[modules] - a list of special flags affecting the games behavior for this mission. valid values are' PoliticalApathy' (poor turnout), 'CompulsoryVoting' (100% turnout) and anything you would like checking in the 'prereqs' section of a dilemma or event. Check out earthquake events and the royal scandal dilemma to see how this works...

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