Game Design, Programming and running a one-man games business…

Half a million space battles

Here’s a chirpy statistic. At the time of writing, the total number of online ‘challenge’ games of Gratuitous Space Battles that have been played is…


Or in other words…


That’s just online challenges, meaning player A trying to beat player B’s fleet, whether it’s on Mac or PC, direct or through steam. It’s all handled by my server. The number of offline, single player games against the pre-shipping AI fleets is likely to be a lot higher. That’s pretty scary. Also, lets not dismiss over 40,000 uploaded player challenges (actually many more, older unplayed ones get deleted) and over 100,000 campaign battles already.

Ok, so it’s not exactly minecraft, but still, not bad going for a game made by a few geeks, and a few cats.

5 thoughts on Half a million space battles

  1. Congratulations!

    I love it when indies break big numbers, it’s a big win for the industry’s image and it just feels good :D

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